Sunday, July 10, 2011

What a surprise... I am humbled.

Last night when I got home from hanging out with my family, my Dad found that my novel had been put into distribution by my publisher. I was really surprised because I did not expect for it to happen at the beginning of July, but rather, at the end of the month.

In perfect form, I freaked out. I was surprised, and of course, all of the possible scenarios of what could happen ran through my mind. What if people are disappointed in it? What if they expected something else? What if they expected something MORE? and of course, what if they like it?

All I can really say is that I'm proud of it. I know it has some problems but as someone already pointed out on the B&N review, it really doesn't detract from the overall idea of the piece and I have one five star review already on that is super positive. I thank God for these little comments. They set my heart at ease a little.

But what really got me today was the overall support of my friends and family. I was a little weary of posting it on facebook because I'm a worrier. I worry about everything. However, within minutes of the post, there was an overwhelming response that made my heart happy.

I am humbled by the kindness and constructive criticism I have already received by people far and wide. I just feel so blessed and honored. I want to thank you guys for being so supportive. This is my dream guys, and I hope to only get better and better at it.

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